Enhancing Unmanned Systems With Autonomy

Nexus™: Multi-domain Distributed mission autonomy 

Artificial Intelligence

Enables unmanned systems across various domains (air, land, sea) to autonomously plan, coordinate, and execute complex missions cooperatively using a centralized human-machine interface and integrated behavior kits for tasks like ISR, strike, relay, and decoy.

Continuous operation in Electronic Warfare (EW) contested environments
Supports combinations of UxVs for new powerful missions
Provides scalability of UxV operations
Interoperability with NATO systems for fire support & blue/red force tracking
Multi-mission autonomy such as: ISTAR, Strike, Relay & Decoy

Nexus Agents: intelligent functions Throughout the Engagement sequence

Using onboard path planning the kit can execute high-level mission orders and adjust its plan realtime without operator interference.

Onboard image classification allows for target recognition in day and night environments.

Automatic target tracking ensures that a target remains in sight, unless told otherwise.

Target positions are automatically calculated to MGRS or WGS84 coordinates.

Based on information by multiple sensors, estimations are made about the object's likely trajectory and state.

Collaborative and coordinated kinetic engagement of objects

Keep track of the precision of a strike, or assess the damage after a strike is performed.

Nexus Hub: Many-to-many mission control

Many-to-many mission control supports multi-domain operations, including ground and air, and enables the execution of diverse tasks such as ISTAR, strike, relay, and decoy missions. This approach ensures scalability, allowing a single user to control multiple systems and multiple users to control individual systems. It also offers interoperability with legacy systems, enhancing fire support and blue force tracking capabilities.

Scalable system integration

Nexus is built upon standardized architectures, enabling implementation on existing UAVs, with extensions to UGVs for future swarming concepts.


Concept Development

We understand that integrating swarming in operational concepts is complex. We provide a feature-rich simulation environment that allows extensive concept development & experimentation. A variety of scenarios can be configured with the ability to include simulated (opposing) forces.

Operator Training

We provide a fully software-based training of the operators, to optimally prepare them for operations. There is no noticeable difference between actual and simulated missions, which includes ATAK and real-time video feeds in digital twins of familiar training grounds.